Make a beautiful Spring Blooms Blanket including these crochet blanket squares and many others along with Claire at Bear Rye Crochet!
If you are looking for an amazing spring project, then you’ve come to the right place!

Spring. Finally! I don’t know about you, but I have literal tears of joy when I can finally feel the warmth of the sun on my skin as I step outside. Spring is such a glorious season, and I love summer even more. I just crave all the green grass, sunshine, warmth, and long days that these seasons offer!
To celebrate spring, I have teamed up with Claire of Bear Rye Crochet and some other amazing designers to bring you the In Bloom Blanket CAL! Each day during the month of April, a new square will be released. This is a fun CAL as each square remains a mystery until its release day!
As I was planning what I wanted to do as my contribution to this amazing Blanket CAL, many of my fellow designers were doing spring blossoms. Since I am more of a summer gal, I decided to do filler squares. I wanted my crochet blanket squares to represent who I am as well as fit alongside the other squares in this CAL. I decided to choose two stitches that seem somewhat “pineapple-y” in appearance.
For my first square, I chose the diamond trellis stitch. I have always thought that this stitch looks like the surface of a pineapple and when used in this CAL, it looks like a lattice for all of the beautiful spring flowers to climb! Diamond Trellis Stitch for the win!
For my second square, I went with the shell stitch. To me, this stitch represents the fronds or crown of the pineapple! Not only does it resemble the fronds, but it has a very delicate, floral appearance, so it blends in nicely with the In Bloom Blanket squares!
Be sure to check out all of the amazing squares because there are some truly talented designers in this CAL! Even though seasons come and seasons go, with this project, we can enjoy…
…the beauty of spring forever!

Skill Level – Intermediate
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links to the products used in this project. If you make a purchase through any of these links, we will get a small commission at no additional cost to you.
- Worsted (4) weight yarn (Yarn pictured is Mighty Stitch in Ivory and was supplied by We Crochet • Knit Picks.)
- US 7/4.50mm crochet hook
- Tapestry needle
- Scissors
- CH – Chain
- HDC – Half double crochet
- DC – Double crochet
- SK – Skip
- FPTR – Front post treble crochet
- SC – Single crochet
- FPTR2tog – Front post treble two together
- TR – Treble crochet
- YO – Yarn over
- SL ST – Slip stitch
- FO – Finish off
- 8″ x 8″ square
- Both squares are worked back in forth in rows using the special stitches noted below.
- A video tutorial is included in this blog post for the diamond trellis stitch.
- I used a modified version of the shell stitch to make the stitch count for both squares match. If you are already familiar with shell stitch, you will notice a slight difference.
- A border is added around the perimeter of the square.
- Before the border, the squares should measure approximately 7 ¼” x 7 ¼”.
- These squares are a collaboration with Claire of Bear Rye Crochet and the In Bloom Blanket CAL. Just tap the link to see all of the beautiful squares!
- If you have any difficulty completing this project and would like support, please email me at theplushpineappleshop@gmail.com.
Special Stitches
Diamond Trellis Stitch
- Set up for the Diamond Trellis Stitch by completing a row of HDC and then a row of DC.
- To begin the first row of cables for the Diamond Trellis, CH 1, FPTR around the 2nd HDC post from the HDC row.
- On main row, SK 1 (FPTR counts as that stitch), SC 3, FPTR2tog by working a FPTR back around the last HDC post worked from the HDC row, DO NOT pull through the last two loops, SK 3 HDC on the HDC row, FPTR around next HDC post from HDC row, complete the stitch.
- Repeat the previous bullet until 5 stitches remain.
- SK 1, SC 3, FPTR back around the last HDC post worked from the HDC row, SC in last stitch on main row.
- Work another setup row of DC.
- CH 1, turn, SC 2.
- FPTR two together by working a FPTR around the last TR from the last cable row, DO NOT pull through the last two loops, FPTR around next TR from the last cable row.
- On main row, SK 1, SC 3.
- Repeat the last two bullets until 3 stitches remain on main row, SK 1, SC 2.
For more detailed instructions on working the Diamond Trellis stitch, check out my video tutorial below!
*Please note: The first row on the video states to work in SC, but in this project, the pattern uses HDC.*
Shell Stitch (modified for this pattern)
- Set up for the shell stitch by completing a row of SC.
- CH 1, turn, SC 2, *SK 2, 5 DC in next stitch, SK 2, SC*, repeat from * to * across row until 4 stitches remain, SK 2, SC 2.
- Turn, CH 3, (counts as a DC), 3 DC in next stitch, *SC in center DC of shell from previous row, 5 DC in next SC*, repeat from * to * until 4 stitches remain, SK 2, 3 DC in next stitch, DC in last stitch.
- Ch 1, turn, SC 2, *SK 2, 5 DC in next stitch, SK 2, SC*, repeat from * to * across row until 3 stitches remain, SK 2, SC in last stitch, SC in the top of the CH 3.
- Repeat previous two bullets until project reaches desired height.
Diamond Trellis Square Pattern
Row 1: CH 34, working into the back bump of the CH, HDC in 2nd CH from hook and in every CH across. (33)

Row 2: CH 2, turn, DC in each stitch across. (33)

Row 3: CH 1, turn, FPTR around the 2nd HDC post from Row 1, *on main row, SK 1, SC 3, FPTR2tog by working a FPTR back around the last HDC post worked from Row 1, DO NOT pull through the last two loops, SK 3 HDC on Row 1, FPTR around next HDC post from Row 1 and complete the stitch*, repeat from * to * until 5 stitches remain on main row, SK 1, SC 3, begin FPTR back around the last HDC post worked from Row 1, do not pull through the last two loops, SC in last stitch. (16 FPTR, 25 SC)

Row 4: CH 2, turn, DC in each stitch across. (33)

Row 5: CH 1, turn, SC 2, *FPTR2tog by working a FPTR around the last TR post from Row 3, DO NOT pull through the last two loops, FPTR around next TR post from Row 3 and complete the stitch, on main row, SK 1, SC 3*, repeat from * to * until 3 stitches remain on main row, SK 1, SC 2. (16 FPTR, 25 SC)

Row 6-23: Repeat Rows 2-5.
*At this point, the square should measure approximately 7 1/4″ x 7 1/4″.*
Do not fasten off.
CH 1, turn square and begin working down the left side, *place a HDC in the end of each cable row and 2 HDC in the end of each DC row (33)*, CH 2, turn, work a HDC into each stitch across the foundation CH (33), CH 2, turn, repeat from * to * for right side, CH 2, turn, work a HDC into each stitch across the top, CH 2, join to first HDC with a SL ST.

Cut yarn, FO. Weave in tails. Block to 8” x 8” if desired.

Shell Square Pattern
Row 1: CH 34, working into the back bump of the CH, SC in 2nd CH from hook and in every CH across. (33)

Row 2: CH 1, turn, SC 2, *SK 2, 5 DC in next stitch, SK 2, SC*, repeat from * to * across row until 4 stitches remain, SK 2, SC 2. (5 shells, 8 SC)

Row 3: Turn, CH 3, (counts as a DC), 3 DC in next stitch, *SC in center DC of shell from previous row, 5 DC in next SC*, repeat from * to * until 4 stitches remain, SK 2, 3 DC in next stitch, DC in last stitch. (4 shells, 2 half shells, 5 SC, 2 DC)

Row 4: Ch 1, turn, SC 2, *SK 2, 5 DC in next stitch, SK 2, SC*, repeat from * to * across row until 3 stitches remain, SK 2, SC in last stitch, SC in the top of the CH 3. (5 shells, 8 SC)

Row 5-20: Repeat Rows 3-4.
Row 21: CH 1, turn, SC in each stitch across. (33)
Do not fasten off.
CH 1, turn square and begin working down the left side, *place a HDC in the end of each row ending in a SC and 2 HDC in the end of each DC row (33)*, CH 2, turn, work a HDC into each stitch across the foundation CH (33), CH 2, turn, repeat from * to * for right side, CH 2, turn, work a HDC into each stitch across the top, CH 2, join to first HDC with a SL ST.

That’s it! I hope that you enjoyed these patterns! These squares are a collaboration with the In Bloom Blanket CAL hosted by Claire of Bear Rye Crochet. Check out her website to get more information about this project and to see the other amazing squares in this collection! For more blanket patterns, check out my Pineapple Winter Square pattern and the Falling for Textures Blanket CAL!
If you make these crochet blanket squares, please share it! I would love to see your work! You can tag me and Claire on Instagram and Facebook @theplushpineapple and @bearrye. Use the tag #theplushpineapple and #inbloomblanketcal.
“Much love, sunshine, and pineapples”
The photographs and pattern contained in this document are the property of A Plush Pineapple. Unauthorized reproduction, in whole or in part, or distribution of this pattern or content is prohibited. ALL FINISHED PRODUCTS created using this pattern may be sold locally or online. If selling finished products online, please give my blog credit for the pattern by posting a link to my website.
When does the blog hop end each day? i looked this morning and didn’t see the freebie. So then tonight, it’s not even midnight here and the code is already expired. I am striking out.
Hello! It ends at 11:59 EST each day. Sorry for the timezone difference!
LOVE your squares!
Thank you!