This is a personal blog written and edited by me. If you have any questions, you may always contact me at I take great pride in maintaining the integrity of this site and building it as an honest and reliable source of information and inspiration for my readers.
Although I do not maintain this blog with the sole intent of financial gain, it is helpful to have some income to offset my expenses. To this end, I receive monetary compensation for advertisements that appear on this site by third party ad networks. The ads that appear on this site are generated by these third party networks and are not chosen or necessarily endorsed by me. I also receive compensation through affiliate programs and links, such as, Amazon Associates. These affiliate relationships will never drive the content of my posts or influence my ability to provide my own honest opinions.
The items used and reviewed on this site are purchased by me. I take pride in giving my true opinions, experiences, and assessments of all the products that are submitted to me. I reserve the right to opt out of publishing a review if I do not feel that it would be of interest to my readers or if I cannot be fair about my opinion. I will only endorse companies and products that I believe, based on my own experiences, are worthy of endorsement. I do not claim to be an expert on any topic or product, and any questions about a product should be verified with the manufacturer or publisher.